
AllowAllowedGroupsToSpawnBannedItems? Type: Boolean Description: Allows groups on the banned item allowed list to spawn banned items. Default: "False"

AllowCorruptionCreep? Type: Boolean Description: Allows corrutption to spread when a world is hardmode. Default: "True"

AllowHallowCreep? Type: Boolean Description: Allows hallow to spread when a world is hardmode. Default: "True"

AllowIce? Type: Boolean Description: Allow ice placement even when user does not have canbuild. Default: "False"

AllowLoginAnyUsername? Type: Boolean Description: Allows users to login with any username with /login. Default: "True"

AllowRegisterAnyUsername? Type: Boolean Description: Allows users to register any username with /register. Default: "False"

AnnounceSave? Type: Boolean Description: Enable/disable save announcements. Default: "True"

ApplicationRestTokens? Type: Dictionary`2 Description: A dictionary of REST tokens that external applications may use to make queries to your server. Default: "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,Rests.SecureRest?+TokenData?]"

AutoSave? Type: Boolean Description: Enable/disable Terraria's built in auto save. Default: "True"

BackupInterval? Type: Int32 Description: Backup frequency in minutes. So, a value of 60 = 60 minutes. Backups are stored in the \tshock\backups folder. Default: "0"

BackupKeepFor? Type: Int32 Description: How long backups are kept in minutes. 2880 = 2 days. Default: "60"

BanOnMediumcoreDeath? Type: Boolean Description: Bans a hardcore player on death. Default: "False"

BroadcastRGB Type: Single[] Description: #.#.#. = Red/Blue/Green - RGB Colors for broadcasts. Max value: 255. Default: "System.Single[]"

BufferPackets? Type: Boolean Description: Buffers up the packets and sends them out at the end of each frame. Default: "True"

ChatAboveHeadsFormat? Type: String Description: Change the player name when using chat above heads. This begins with a player name wrapped in brackets, as per Terraria's formatting. Same formatting as ChatFormat?(minus the text aka {4}). Default: "{2}"

ChatFormat? Type: String Description: Changes ingame chat format: {0} = Group Name, {1} = Group Prefix, {2} = Player Name, {3} = Group Suffix, {4} = Chat Message Default: "{1}{2}{3}: {4}"

DefaultGuestGroupName? Type: String Description: Selects the default group name to place non registered users under Default: "guest"

DefaultMaximumSpawns? Type: Int32 Description: The default maximum mobs that will spawn per wave. Higher means more mobs in that wave. Default: "5"

DefaultRegistrationGroupName? Type: String Description: Selects the default group name to place new registrants under. Default: "default"

DefaultSpawnRate? Type: Int32 Description: The delay between waves. Lower values lead to more mobs. Default: "600"

DisableBuild? Type: Boolean Description: Disables any building; placing of blocks Default: "False"

DisableClownBombs? Type: Boolean Description: Disables clown bomb projectiles from spawning. Default: "False"

DisableDungeonGuardian? Type: Boolean Description: Disables the dungeon guardian from being spawned by player packets, this will instead force a respawn. Default: "False"

DisableHardmode? Type: Boolean Description: Disables hardmode, can't never be activated. Overrides /starthardmode. Default: "False"

DisableInvisPvP Type: Boolean Description: Disables invisibility potions from being used in PvP (Note, can be used in the client, but the effect isn't sent to the rest of the server). Default: "False"

DisableLoginBeforeJoin? Type: Boolean Description: Disable users from being able to login with account password when joining. Default: "False"

DisableSnowBalls? Type: Boolean Description: Disables snow ball projectiles from spawning. Default: "False"

DisableSpewLogs? Type: Boolean Description: Force-disable printing logs to players with the log permission. Default: "True"

DisableTombstones? Type: Boolean Description: Disable tombstones for all players. Default: "True"

DisableUUIDLogin Type: Boolean Description: Disable users from being able to login with their client UUID. Default: "False"

DisplayIPToAdmins? Type: Boolean Description: Displays a player's IP on join to everyone who has the log permission. Default: "False"

EnableBanOnUsernames? Type: Boolean Description: Enables kicking of banned users by matching their Character Name. Default: "False"

EnableChatAboveHeads? Type: Boolean Description: Displays chat messages above players' heads, but will disable chat prefixes to compensate. Default: "False"

EnableDNSHostResolution? Type: Boolean Description: Enables DNS resolution of incoming connections with GetGroupForIPExpensive. Default: "False"

EnableGeoIP Type: Boolean Description: This will announce a player's location on join Default: "False"

EnableInsecureTileFixes? Type: Boolean Description: Some tiles are 'fixed' by not letting TShock handle them. Disabling this may break certain aesthetic tiles. Default: "True"

EnableIPBans Type: Boolean Description: Enables kicking of banned users by matching their IP Address. Default: "True"

EnableMaxBytesInBuffer? Type: Boolean Description: Enables max packet bufferer size. Default: "False"

EnableTokenEndpointAuthentication? Type: Boolean Description: This will turn on token requirement for the public REST API endpoints. Default: "False"

EnableUUIDBans Type: Boolean Description: Enables kicking of banned users by matching their client UUID. Default: "True"

EnableWhitelist? Type: Boolean Description: Enable or disable the whitelist based on IP addresses in whitelist.txt Default: "False"

ForceTime? Type: String Description: Force the world time to be normal, day, or night. Default: "normal"

ForceXmas? Type: Boolean Description: Force Christmas only events to occur all year. Default: "False"

HardcoreOnly? Type: Boolean Description: Hardcore players ONLY. This means softcore players cannot join. Default: "False"

HashAlgorithm? Type: String Description: Valid types are "sha512", "sha256", "md5", append with "-xp" for the xp supported algorithms. Default: "sha512"

IgnoreChestStacksOnLoad? Type: Boolean Description: Allows stacks in chests to be beyond the stack limit Default: "False"

IgnoreNoClip? Type: Boolean Description: Ignores all no clip checks for players. Default: "False"

IgnoreProjKill? Type: Boolean Description: Ignores checking to see if player 'can' kill a projectile. Default: "False"

IgnoreProjUpdate? Type: Boolean Description: Ignores checking to see if player 'can' update a projectile. Default: "False"

InfiniteInvasion? Type: Boolean Description: Enable the ability for invasion size to never decrease. Make sure to run /invade, and note that this adds 2 million+ goblins to the spawn queue for the map. Default: "False"

InvasionMultiplier? Type: Int32 Description: The equation for calculating invasion size is 100 + (multiplier * (number of active players with greater than 200 health)). Default: "1"

KickEmptyUUID Type: Boolean Description: Kick clients that don't send a UUID to the server. Default: "False"

KickOnMediumcoreDeath? Type: Boolean Description: Kicks a hardcore player on death. Default: "False"

KickProxyUsers? Type: Boolean Description: Kicks users using a proxy as identified with the GeoIP database. Default: "True"

LogonDiscardThreshold? Type: Int32 Description: Time, in milliseconds, to disallow discarding items after logging in when ServerSideInventory? is ON. Default: "250"

LogPath? Type: String Description: The path of the directory where logs should be written into. Default: "tshock"

LogRest? Type: Boolean Description: The number of reserved slots past your max server slot that can be joined by reserved players Default: "False"

MasterServer? Type: String Description: Not implemented. Default: ""

MaxBytesInBuffer? Type: Int32 Description: Number of bytes in the packet buffer before we disconnect the player. Default: "5242880"

MaxDamage? Type: Int32 Description: The maximum damage a player/npc can inflict. Default: "175"

MaximumLoginAttempts? Type: Int32 Description: Number of failed login attempts before kicking the player. Default: "3"

MaxProjDamage? Type: Int32 Description: The maximum damage a projectile can inflict. Default: "175"

MaxRangeForDisabled? Type: Int32 Description: The maximum distance players disabled for various reasons can move from. Default: "10"

MaxSlots? Type: Int32 Description: Max slots for the server. If you want people to be kicked with "Server is full" set this to how many players you want max and then set Terraria max players to 2 higher. Default: "8"

MediumcoreBanReason? Type: String Description: Bans a mediumcore player on death. Default: "Death results in a ban"

MediumcoreKickReason? Type: String Description: Kicks a mediumcore player on death. Default: "Death results in a kick"

MediumcoreOnly? Type: Boolean Description: Mediumcore players ONLY. This means softcore players cannot join. Default: "False"

MySqlDbName? Type: String Description: Database name to connect to Default: ""

MySqlHost? Type: String Description: The MySQL hostname and port to direct connections to Default: "localhost:3306"

MySqlPassword? Type: String Description: Database password to connect with Default: ""

MySqlUsername? Type: String Description: Database username to connect with Default: ""

PreventBannedItemSpawn? Type: Boolean Description: Prevent banned items from being /i or /give. Default: "False"

PreventDeadModification? Type: Boolean Description: Prevent players from interacting with the world if dead. Default: "True"

PreventInvalidPlaceStyle? Type: Boolean Description: Prevents players from placing tiles with an invalid style. Default: "True"

ProjectileThreshold? Type: Int32 Description: Disable a player if this number of projectiles is created within 1 second. Default: "50"

ProjIgnoreShrapnel? Type: Boolean Description: Ignore shrapnel from crystal bullets for projectile threshold. Default: "True"

PvPMode Type: String Description: Set the server pvp mode. Valid types are, "normal", "always", and "disabled." Default: "normal"

RangeChecks? Type: Boolean Description: Global protection agent for any block distance based anti-grief check. Default: "True"

RconPassword? Type: String Description: Not implemented. Default: ""

RconPort? Type: Int32 Description: Not implemented. Default: "7777"

RegionProtectChests? Type: Boolean Description: Protect chests with region and build permissions. Default: "False"

RememberLeavePos? Type: Boolean Description: Remembers where a player left off. It works by remembering the IP, NOT the character. eg. When you try to disconnect, and reconnect to be automatically placed at spawn, you'll be at your last location. Note: Won't save after server restarts. Default: "False"

RequireLogin? Type: Boolean Description: Requires all players to register or login before being allowed to play. Default: "False"

ReservedSlots? Type: Int32 Description: The number of reserved slots past your max server slot that can be joined by reserved players Default: "20"

RespawnSeconds? Type: Int32 Description: The number of seconds a player must wait before being respawned. Default: "3"

RestApiEnabled? Type: Boolean Description: Enable/disable the rest api. Default: "False"

RestApiPort? Type: Int32 Description: This is the port which the rest api will listen on. Default: "7878"

RestUseNewPermissionModel? Type: Boolean Description: Whether the REST API should use the new permission model. Note: The old permission model will become depracted in the future. Default: "True"

SaveWorldOnCrash? Type: Boolean Description: This will save the world if Terraria crashes from an unhandled exception. Default: "True"

ServerFullNoReservedReason? Type: String Description: String that is used when kicking people when the server is full with no reserved slots. Default: "Server is full. No reserved slots open."

ServerFullReason? Type: String Description: String that is used when kicking people when the server is full. Default: "Server is full"

ServerName? Type: String Description: Used when replying to a rest /status request or sent to the client when UseServerName? is true. Default: ""

ServerPassword? Type: String Description: Server password required to join the server. Default: ""

ServerPort? Type: Int32 Description: The port the server runs on. Default: "7777"

ServerSideCharacter? Type: Boolean Description: Enable server side characters, This stops the client from saving character data! EXPERIMENTAL!!!!! Default: "False"

ServerSideCharacterSave? Type: Int32 Description: How often SSC should save, in minutes. Default: "5"

SpawnProtection? Type: Boolean Description: Prevents tiles from being placed within SpawnProtectionRadius? of the default spawn. Default: "True"

SpawnProtectionRadius? Type: Int32 Description: Radius from spawn tile for SpawnProtection?. Default: "10"

StatueSpawn200 Type: Int32 Description: How many things a statue can spawn within 200 pixels(?) before it stops spawning. Default = 3 Default: "3"

StatueSpawn600 Type: Int32 Description: How many things a statue can spawn within 600 pixels(?) before it stops spawning. Default = 6 Default: "6"

StatueSpawnWorld? Type: Int32 Description: How many things a statue spawns can exist in the world before it stops spawning. Default = 10 Default: "10"

StorageType? Type: String Description: Valid types are "sqlite" and "mysql" Default: "sqlite"

SuperAdminChatPrefix? Type: String Description: Super admin group chat prefix Default: "(Admin) "

SuperAdminChatRGB Type: Single[] Description: #.#.#. = Red/Blue/Green - RGB Colors for the Admin Chat Color. Max value: 255 Default: "System.Single[]"

SuperAdminChatSuffix? Type: String Description: Super admin group chat suffix Default: ""

TileKillThreshold? Type: Int32 Description: Disables/reverts a player if this number of tile kills is exceeded within 1 second. Default: "60"

TileLiquidThreshold? Type: Int32 Description: Disables a player if this number of liquid sets is exceeded within 1 second. Default: "15"

TilePaintThreshold? Type: Int32 Description: Disables a player if this number of tiles is painted within 1 second. Default: "15"

TilePlaceThreshold? Type: Int32 Description: Disables/reverts a player if this number of tile places is exceeded within 1 second. Default: "20"

UseServerName? Type: Boolean Description: Sends ServerName? in place of the world name to clients. Default: "False"

WhitelistKickReason? Type: String Description: String that is used when a user is kicked due to not being on the whitelist. Default: "You are not on the whitelist."

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